24 Apr 2011

Książę William królem żydowskim?

"Wtedy powtórnie wszedł Piłat do pretorium, a przywoławszy Jezusa rzekł do Niego: Czy Ty jesteś Królem żydowskim?" (J 18, 33). 

Jeżeli Diana była Żydówką po matce, to jej dzieci także są Zydami.
Zatem logicznie, książę William, będzie żydowskim królem UK. 
więcej na stronie : 

Lady Diana's mother was Frances Shand Kydd, who was born Frances Ruth Roche.

Reportedly, Frances had Jewish origins. (Davidic Ancestry of Prince William.)

Lady Diana's father may have been Jewish.
William, may have Jewish origins.

Mostaque Ali drew our attention to gossip about Lady Diana and Prince William.

On 7 September 2007, the Independent (Ireland) produced an article entitled: A Murky Question, by Declan Lynch 
(The Mail also covered the story. Were Diana and Jemima sisters? Mail Online)
Acording to Declan Lynch:

Princess Diana's father was Sir James Goldsmith.
Sir James was the son of Frank Goldsmith, the descendant of a Jewish banking family from Frankfurt.
Sir James Goldsmith who has links to the Rothschilds (Cached).He multiplied his fortune as a brash corporate raider in the United States during the 1980s (Billionaire with a Cause ) "He inherited many of his traits from his father Frank Goldsmith, the descendant of a distinguished Jewish banking family from Frankfurt once as famous as the Rothschilds." (Obituary: Sir James Goldsmith - People, News - The Independent)
According to Declan Lynch:
The "Goldsmith" version "had been circulating in aristocratic circles for a long time."

Officially, Diana was the daughter of the Earl Spencer and Frances Shand Kydd.

Sources have long maintained that Goldsmith was conducting an affair with Frances around the time that Diana was conceived.

Nobody denies that the affair took place, "at a time when Frances was deeply unhappy in her marriage to the Earl, who was 'drinking heavily' and 'being beastly towards her'".

Tina Brown, author of The Diana Chronicle, suggests it was a long-running affair.

In Brown's version, there is strong support for the idea of Goldsmith being the father of Lady Diana, though she can't prove it.
Zak Goldsmith, son of Sir James Goldsmith.

Zak Goldsmith

Diana has a physical resemblance to Sir James' children, Jemima Khan (nee Goldsmith), Diana's best friend, and Zak Goldsmith.
Ben Goldsmith

Benjamin Goldsmith (born in 1980) married Kate Emma Rothschild (b. 1982), daughter of the late Amschel Rothschild
Diana was like her father in looks, "but also in her charisma, her sexual appetites, her madness, and her propensity for causing trouble."

Who might want to silence Diana?
aangirfan: Diana, Prince Bandar and unreliable sources
aangirfan: Diana, Palestinians, arms deals and 9 11.
nona-people: The 'Jewish Conspiracy' in the UK

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